SHE'S BEEN CALLED DYNAMIC AND INSPIRING! When she's asked 'Where does all that positive energy come from?' She answers candidly and with a smile, 'It must be in my genes, my DNA!'

In 1990, while she was a musician on a Radio-Canada television series called 'Vazimolo', she was invited to speak at several schools about personal motivation. However, it was her meeting with noted speaker Marcel Leboeuf in 2005 that she realized that she wanted to explore more themes and ideas, and she decided to make of this a true career.

The 'DNA of Happiness' and the other themes she addresses are the results of a long and careful process… Anne's expertise is in constant development and she enjoys working closely with a client. For example, in 2010, she prepared a tailor-made conference for Les Caisses Populaires Desjardins as part of their 'Health/Well-Being' campaign.

Whether it's performance issues, stress management, finding a suitable balance between work and family concerns or adapting to changes in customer service, Anne provides solutions on how to deal with these topics with joy, serenity, and humour.

Backed by scientific proof, the content of her talks is quite substantial, but it is easily accessible to everyone. As music is such a fundamental part of her life, her talks start and end with a song. So prepare yourselves for a conference bursting with practical knowledge, presented in an energetic and dynamic manner.

'On your Marks, Breathe, Sing!'

Anne Bisson's conferences may be presented in English or in French.

I hope you enjoy your stay and please come visit regularly to stay informed about all my projects.

Thanks, see you soon!


To hire my services as Public Speaker, click here.


It is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to my brand new web site, devoted to my public speaking and my conferences. You will have the opportunity to find out what these conferences are about, the different themes I broach, while learning more about myself and the projects that fascinate me.


At this present time, I can offer 5 different conferences: The DNA of Happiness in the Workplace, The DNA of Living the Well-Balanced Life: Work and Family, The DNA of Performance: How to be Productive Without Falling Apart, The DNA of the Happy Customer: How to 'Wow-Up' your Customer Service and the DNA of Creativity. I am also preparing a sixth conference which will be entitled 'The DNA of Forgiveness', which will also be published in book form.
NEW CONFERENCE: The DNA of Balance using Flexibility and Humor.


Those of you who know me are aware that music has always been at the heart of my life. Although I am a classically trained pianist and singer, I've been pursuing a career in jazz. Since 2009, each of my conferences begins and ends with music. Thus it brings a unique lively experience. To find out more about my musical career, or to download my music and keep up with my tour dates, please visit


Do you believe it's possible to alter your DNA?

Change your behavior = Change your DNA!
When you do something for yourself that your parents or grandparents never did, you change your DNA.
Find this hard to believe? Well, today, we have come to realize that altering certain lifestyle choices is desirable in order to attain better quality of life in a serene and satisfying environment. In this way, we reduce stress and find happiness in everything we do.

Specifically, scientifically, what does happen to your brain when you live with stress? While not necessarily mentioning the obvious causes, Anne demonstrates that there are four main stress factors, according to research carried out by Dr. Sonia Lupien, and how they directly affect your physical health. With the DNA of Happiness, you will regain your health and well-being without experiencing any guilt!

Through the use of practical tools and tips, Anne shows us, with a dash of humour, that breathing and singing are two simple methods that everyone can apply to attain one's wellbeing. She shows us that it really isn't all that difficult to take care of yourself; you just need to make up your mind and to act!!

This conference is aimed at all employers and employees who keep their health at heart. This will help them improve their productivity at work, as well as enjoying a healthier, richer and more well-balanced life.


This conference allows us to realise that each one of us has embedded in us the power to be creative, in any field we choose.

Yes, the power to create already exists inside us, and through practical exercises, we can learn to reconnect with our own deeply rooted 'Me' and gain the capacity to create and make real all that we need to attain the full realisation of our potential.

Anne starts by asking us the following question: what are our values and our objectives in life? Are we able to tell the difference? Our values direct the choices we make in our lives in order to create what we think is what's best for us.

She then demonstrates that our state of mind is a crucial factor in developing our creative potential.

And so, we must:
1) Get to know our state of mind.
2) To listen, to stay open to the energy that surrounds us.
3) To learn to be humble.
4) To be ready to give and to share.

With the help of practical written exercises such as the 'Ma Boussole des Valeurs' (My Compass of Values) chart, inspired by the work of Joanne Dahi © 2005, and 'Fully Conscious' meditation exercises, we can develop our own Chart of Dreams, one of the tools that will help us create what is important to us. Because our brain can't discern the difference between what is real and what isn't, it's obvious that the more we feed it with positive images and the more it 'remakes' itself, new neural connections are generated. These become more favourable to the creative process. In scientific circles, this process is called the neuroplasticity of the brain.

This talk was first given to music students of the Zacatecas Music School during a tour of Mexico in August, 2013. Anne then reprised it in October, 2014 during a creativity seminar at the prestigious Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Denver, Colorado.

THE DNA OF LIVING THE WELL-BALANCED LIFE: Finding the Proper Balance Between the Professional and the Personal

Anne Bisson demonstrates that what you need to do to live a happy and well-balanced life without compromising the success of your career is to compartmentalize. What does this mean? It means that when you come home from work, not only does your body come home with you, so does your mind.

We all have learned to set up two compartments: one marked 'Work' and one marked 'Home'. Anne shows us that if we wish to be more present, more 'there' for our spouse, our children, our boss, it is absolutely necessary to create a third compartment, this one for ourselves.

Anne uses practical tools such as getting us to build three actual boxes to better visualize our compartments.

During this conference, everything is fair game, from allocating television and computer screen time and managing family dinners to setting aside time for more personal projects. Anne then wraps things up with either a full consciousness workout or a meditation exercise which involves all five senses and which can be done alone, with a partner, or even the whole family. We breathe, we sing, we shake off the cobwebs, we take our brain out for some fresh air.

This conference is aimed at everyone who is not afraid to change their way of life in order to devote more quality time to the people around them.
Come on aboard, our destination is the freedom to 'Be with' and not just 'Do with' our loved ones

or How To Be Productive Without Falling Apart!

Performance is crucial in order to achieve your goals.
But with performance inevitably comes pressure.

Anne will introduce a remarkable working method based on a course entitled 'The Learning Process', which she studied under Professor Hélène Maltais, PhD (Music) at the University of Montreal. It has been scientifically proven that when your mind is taught to categorize bits of information into groups and sub-groups, it is in a better position to store that information and to retrieve it more efficiently. Whether you're dealing with music or any other subject, it has been observed that the brain functions in a very similar manner.

Anne will use this method to help you set up your schedules and your marketing plans more efficiently. Your customers will quickly become your fans! You (And they) will soon see how much more they are getting for their money.

This conference, then, is aimed at all those who are willing to plan for their success by using the full potential that the brain and its neurological impulses can offer. In other words, the DNA of Performance will soon be running in your veins!

How to 'WOW UP' Customer Services

The DNA of the Happy Customer can be summed up in this way:


Who are our customers? What do they want from us? How to develop new communication tools and strategies to better reach our customers and to offer our services more efficiently.
Anne will demonstrate a proven working method, which involves keeping a daily record of your objectives and strategies.

N is for NATURE.

How to acquire a positive attitude by developing better communication tools to ensure customer loyalty. The positive nature of our approach is the foundation on which the quality of our customer service is based. Following up on these interactions with the customer is also crucial, it insures that our communications are being well received and understood.

A is for ATTITUDE.

What sort of person are you? If you really know who you are, you'll be more easily able to adapt yourself to your customers' needs.
An open mind = guaranteed success.
What is your attitude when you are faced with change… How do you react?

Anne will also impart simple and practical exercises to ease your interactions with new customers.

This conference is aimed at those who have the desire and the will to stand out from the crowd and to generate a huge 'WOW' reaction from their customers. Make customer services your top priority and you will have satisfied customers, but you will also have satisfied employees who will be appreciated by the customers they serve.



Mackenzie Investements, Banque Nationale du Canada, Commission des services juridiques du Qc, Centres jeunesse de Lanaudière, ACTE (Association of Corporate Travels Executives, VA, USA), Intact Assurances, Fédération des Caisses Desjardins, the City of Blainville, the City of Saint-Lin des Laurentides, Women and Business in the Mauricie Region Mamantrepreneurs inc., the Farnham Chamber of Commerce, Montcalm Benevolent Services, the Matapédia Valley Chamber of Commerce and many other.


The Zaratecas School of Music (In Mexico), RAEO/OTIP: Ontario Teachers' Insurance Plan, Académie Sainte-Thérèse, Rocky Mountain Audio Fest (Denver, Colorado), Les Découvreurs School Commission, Notre-Dame de l'Assomption College in Nicolet, Quebec, Durocher College in Saint-Lambert, Quebec and Many others.


The Granby Chapter of the Knights of Columbus.


'The feedback forms were designed so that the people filling them out could check from 'Enjoyed the Conference Very Much' to 'Did Not Enjoy It At All'… In your case, every single one had a check mark next to 'Very Much'. Christiane Lemoyne, letter of appreciation, Living the Well-Balanced Life workshops in Amqui, Quebec.
'Our conference with Mrs. Anne Bisson took place this morning. I simply wanted to thank you for your wonderful recommendation. Mrs. Bisson is very dynamic and she knew how to elicit a WOW! from our workforce. Mrs. France Paris, Caisse Populaire of Boucherville, Quebec.
'We were honoured to provide speakers for Anne Bisson's fascinating presentation on the creative process.' Jeff Joseph, of Joseph Audio at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Denver Colorado.


+1 514-627-0821


Anne Bisson was born in Trois-Rivières, Quebec in 1961 and has been performing and speaking publicly since she was 12 years old.

She is passionate about communications and is the recipient of a Bachelor's Degree in Classical Piano from the University of Montreal in 1984.

From very early on in her career, she felt the need to express herself, and in as many ways as possible!


After winning Radio-Canada's DuMaurier Search for Stars competition in 1984, I played 'Cristal' in 'Starmania', the legendary Rock Opera in 1986. There followed a tour of Europe and the Middle East with the Canadian band Chilliwack, and then I became the host of these television programs: 'Coup de Foudre', TQS (1988-1992) 'Vazimolo', Radio-Canada (1992-1995)

In 1999, having young children myself, I created and hosted 'La Marmaille' on Le Canal Vie, a television magazine aimed at desperate parents.

I have been teaching piano since I turned 22, notably at CEGEP Saint-Laurent and CEGEP Lionel-Groulx . Then I began giving conferences in different schools on my passion: the profession of being a musician.

From 2001 to 2004, I went back to university as a full-time student to complete a Bachelor's degree in Classical Singing.

Since 2007, I have given over a hundred conferences. With these, I hope to impart my knowledge and life experiences to those who are seeking for a better quality of life and who want to achieve a happier and healthier lifestyle. I think what's important is to be true to our values!

In 2011, I founded my own record company Camilio Records, and since then have been negotiating distribution agreements for the United States, Germany and Asia.

I also perform and give speaches on Musical Creativity in Canada, the United States, Mexico and Europe.

I am the proud mother of two young adults, Eléonore 26 and Samuel 29 years old.